The role of women in the development of society is of utmost importance. In fact, it is the only thing that determines whether a society is strong and harmonious, or otherwise. Women are the backbone of society.
- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
The role of women in the development of society is of utmost importance. In fact, it is the only thing that determines whether a society is strong and harmonious, or otherwise. Women are the backbone of society.
- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
A strategy of resilience, unity, and transformation
Fostering personal growth: Equipping women with invaluable tools and techniques to combat stress, boost inner strength, and elevate self-confidence from within.
Strength in numbers: Cultivating a vibrant sense of community where women stand together to confront shared challenges, harnessing the collective strength of their voices and ideas.
Nurturing self reliance: Encouraging women to uncover practical solutions, fostering self-dependence. We provide training in a range of skills, including stitching, embroidery, beadwork, and agarbatti (incense stick) rolling for rural women.
Championing change: Leading the charge against sex selection and female foeticide in India through impactful campaigns such as The Girl Child Campaign 2013 and The Act Now Campaign 2014.
Raising Awareness: Amplifying awareness and challenging harmful practices by educating communities about the dire consequences of sex selection and female foeticide. Our dynamic campaigns, like The Girl Child Campaign 2013 and The Act Now Campaign 2014, are the driving force behind this crucial mission.
"Frankly speaking, I never thought I could start my own parlour. This training enabled me to do so and get financial independence. I am really glad I took this training."
Swati Sherkhane, a mother of a two-year-old, graduate of beautician training centre, Dharavi, Mumbai
1,11,000+ Rural women
reached through different livelihood initiatives across the country
1,10,000+ Smokeless chulhas
distributed in villages across India
1,00,000+ Individuals
participated in gender sensitisation workshops
1,50,000+ People
sensitised against child marriage in Bihar
1,15,800+ Girls trained
in menstrual health and hygiene workshops worldwide
44,000+ Women
united to revive the Naganadhi river in Tamil Nadu, proving the collective power of women
1,500+ Women
trained in entrepreneurial skills under Project Shakti in Mumbai and Bengaluru
52,450+ Adolescent girls
impacted by menstrual hygiene programmes in India
Self Help Groups Formed
Hear it from the source

In Tamil Nadu, over 44,000+ Bhageerathis, transformed the desolate Naganadhi river into a flourishing ecosystem, epitomising women's empowerment and community spirit. By constructing recharge structures, they revitalised the river and groundwater, a feat celebrated by Hon. PM Shri Narendra Modi in his "Mann Ki Baat" addresses on three different occasions. This remarkable endeavour, praised nationally, highlights the pivotal role of women in environmental conservation, inspiring not just their state but setting a global precedent for sustainable change through women leadership.
Naganadhi River Rebirth:
Women Lead the Way

My name is Chaya Santosh Kharade. I live in Dharavi, Mumbai. Currently, I'm employed with Project Shakti, where I earn a decent monthly income. It's heartening to see many other women benefitting from this project as well. I'm truly thankful to The Art of Living for providing us with this valuable opportunity.
Chaya Santosh Kharade
Dharavi, Project Shakti

A volunteer from The Art of Living educated me about various livelihood opportunities. I opted for mushroom training. Now, I've started my own mushroom farming venture. Juggling household chores and business has been surprisingly manageable. I'm delighted to say it's bringing in a monthly income of Rs. 25,000 to 30,000. I am very happy about it. It doesn't interfere in my household chores and I am able to earn money in less time.
Sumanti Patro
Rajdah Village, Mushroom Farming

My name is Kavita Gope, and my son attends The Art of Living Free School (Sri Sri Vidya Mandir) in the 3rd standard. When he mentioned the tailoring unit at school, I saw an opportunity to contribute to our family's income. Now, I work in the tailoring unit, stitching uniforms for the children. I'm immensely grateful to Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji for giving us hope and the chance to progress in life.
Kavita Gope
Ghatshila, Tailoring Training